Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!

Downloade Devil In Spring By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance

New York Times bestselling author LISA KLEYPAS delivers the unforgettable tale of a strong-willed beauty who encounters her match in one of London’s most notorious—yet irresistible—rakes . . .

An eccentric wallflower  . . .

Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.

A cynical rake  . . .

After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.

A perilous plot  . . .

After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy—and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven . . .



Great characters.

How could you not love Pandora and Gabriel ? They are great. You should start at the beginning of the series though. Lisa Kleypas never disappoints me. I hope you love it as much as I did.


The most beautiful light hearted story

I owned this book as a paperback for years and lost it in a recent move. It’s one of those books that read for comfort because it’s so sweet. Needles to say I love this book and the whole series as well. I always feel like the stories are ending too soon but it’s only because I love the characters so much that I just want to keep enjoying them. I think we all wish we had a Gabriel in our lives who can love us not despite our flaws but because of them.


Best romance novel ever

Lisa Kleypas has a magical way with words. She crafts delightfully real heroines, flaws and all. Her artful plots have just the right amount of twists and turns. Her attention to details is astounding. From the scenery to the dress, no one sets the stage better! I adore Pandora and Gabriel’s story. Pandora’s guileless curiosity provides the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s worldliness. Scene after scene, the development of their romance is perfection! If you enjoy this book read the Travis series.


Oscar Wilde Meets ADHD

Lisa Kleypas’s romance and sex scenes are delicious and spicy, creative and poetic... but that isn’t what I love most about her writing. The rich descriptions, the breadth of the glimpses she gives us into Victorian life, the clever, laugh-out-loud wit... all delight, but to me, what makes her stories unique to this genre is her marvelous, nuanced characters. And Pandora the Pirate is my utter favorite. Pandora’s unconventional (and sometimes accidental) creativity is magnificent, and I hope I can read more about her in future stories.


Bravo Lisa, Favorite of the Ravenel Series!

Such a fantastic story! Pandora is a charming heroine. When learning about her character in earlier books of the series I was questioning how her story would play out but, as always, Lisa Kleypas shatters all my expectations! The addition of Sebastian and Evie and their family feels like a happy reunion for anyone who has read the Wallflower series, and the interactions and scenes they’re included in feel so authentic and well thought-out instead of a pop-in to the story. This book is so classically Lisa Kleypas but fantastically unique and fresh.



First of, there was no mention or description of Cassandra’s interaction with Pandora throughout the entire room. If they were supposed to be close, especially since they’re twins, this book did not show any confidentiality or private interaction between them. That’s what’s lacking in this book.

Yvette Br.

Loved it!

I loved this book so much! So many surprising aspects of this book. I loved the woman empowerment as well as the unexpected suspense at the end. Their love story was amazing too. Definitely my favorite from the series. Great read.



Lady Pandora Ravenel is pretty and of marriageable age, but has no interest in tying the knot. Why would she want to hand over to a man the business she’s worked years to establish, along with her independence? But, because she was caught in a compromising position with Lord St. Vincent, she was expected to do just that. Gabriel Challon, Lord St. Vincent, has been an expert at avoiding marriage entrapment schemes until he came across Lady Pandora. She was in distress and Lord St. Vincent, couldn’t just leave her there. But, for or his act of kindness, he was going to be matched with the most unsuitable marriage partner possible. However, to his complete surprise, he found Lady Pandora’s spirited nature refreshing. Lord St. Vincent had never met another woman like her, probably because Lady Pandora was the complete opposite of the type of woman he should be marrying. But to his amazement, the more time he spent with her, the more besotted he became. Any woman would love to marry the devilishly handsome Lord, except, of course, Lady Pandora. But can Lady Pandora give up her independence to Gabriel, trust him with her business and still save her family from scandal? Devil In Spring is a well-written adult historical fiction romance, with witty dialogue, developed characters, and a captivating plot. A very enjoyable read.


Decent book

Hold have had more of a plot. The build up was nice. Good book overall. Easy reading


Best in the Ravenel Series

Pandora is a very unique young lady, and needs a fella who will understand her and not dismiss her ideas and desires. Gabriel is an elegant, worldly man who has a sense of humor and honor, and is a perfect match for her. The witty banter and romantic meetings are very well written. There are even visitors from other Kleypas novels. Definitely worth the read!



Devil In Winter was one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas stories. I was so looking forward to the son's story Devil in Spring. The story line was bland, and it didn't have the pop and sizzle of Devil In Winter. Pandora's character was weak and dull and so was Sabastian's son, there was nothing rakish about him. This book reminded me of the ones you purchase for a $1.99 the ones where you are not expecting much, just a story to pass the time. Very disappointed!!!


Loved it!

So glad Lisa Kleypas is back to the Victorian era. If you read the earlier books you will see how everything tied together - past and present. Can't wait for the next book in the series.


Fun and gripping

Love Lisa's books! It was fun to read about old characters.


Swoon-worthy revisit to the St. Vincent charms

I loved returning briefly to the original wallflowers series, especially because Devil in Spring is about Evie and Sebastian's son. I hope after the Ravenels, she writes about all the wonderful siblings Gabriel has!! Witty banter, adorable sweet love affair, intrigue and danger with a happy ending that will have you sighing.


Well worth the wait!

I was anxiously awaiting this book and it did not disappoint. I loved both characters and that's saying a lot bc I did not like Pandora in Marrying Winterborne. But in this book, her character is well developed. Some of the criticism has a been that she is too childlike......but what did you expect when she has been a literal prisoner her whole life. Also I loved was refreshing to read about the hero falling in love with their heroine first. I didn't find him insipid.....just bc he didn't have some big angst in his life, didn't make him less of a hero in this book. In reality, he is the son of a loving couple (Evie and Sebastian) who have given their all to the family. It would be weird if he did have angst filled issues. I of course LOVED anything about Evie and Sebastian.......Devil in Winter being one of my all time favorite books! The ending do feel a bit rushed but obviously the author was setting up future storylines. There were many funny moments in Pandora and Gabriel's interaction. This book was well worth the time!


Too political

Lisa has been my favorite historical romance author... this book however was way too political...very disappointing... it as though you tried to weave your political point of view in every turn of the novel... I read your stories to escape the political climate noise... there is a reason why women read historical romance and it's not because of women's suffrage or inequality...also, the IRA were not seeking to destroy the entire western world...ugh! Also, as a woman, I know my worth and this book was certainly not worth my time or hard earned money...


One of the best in the series

Kleypas has once again done a beautiful and exceptional job with this story!


Loved it.

I loved Gabriel. What a sweetheart and great hero. Liked Pandora but didn’t love her as much as I had hoped. But all in all it was a wonderful romance.


Devil in Spring

This story started out well, but I kind of lost interest about half way through. It just didn't have the magic for me that I've found in many of her other stories.


Loved it.

I don't like reviews that rehash the plot. So why I like Ms. Kleypas's writing is that the dialogue is clever, light and fun. There is always fun historical facts, decent sex, suspense, a strong heroine with a few quirks, and a sensitive sexy male lead. Her books , I cannot put down and they make me smile.😆



it sounds and looks very similar to the selection series by Kiera Cass.


Not up to par

Dear Author: What happened to the passion and carefully-developed plots that characterized your earlier novels? Throughout the FIRST book with Sebastian there was amazing suspense mixed with romance and surprise and a desire to read through the night. This novel could have been written by a free-lancer trying her/his hand at this genre and...for free -- to create an audience. The coach ride to Scotland in the first had more richness and character development than this entire novel. In short - you've written something excessively derivative of your own work -- but not half as well


Incredibly Unique

Guh. I enjoyed this book so much. It wasn't Devil in Winter but that is the built image romance and I don't think anything has ever topped it. I greatly enjoyed how utterly unique Pandora was! So different from any other heroine I've read. Gabriel was reminded me so much of Evie with his calming influence and had the smooth seductive demeanor of his father that he was the perfect blend of the Duke and Dunchess of Kingston! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the parts with Evie and Sebastian and seeing their wonderful family had me grinning from ear to ear through the book. The Victorian era was interesting and the wealth of research Kleypas put to page is fantastic. I'm so happy she's back on the historical train and so utterly enchanted with this unique story. Thank you Lisa Kleypas!



Beautiful story of independence and staying true to oneself. What a treat to have previously loved characters show up. I hope there is book four. We need to know about our secret detective!


Couldn't put it down

Pandora is hilarious. Laugh out loud humor coupled with rich character development makes this book pure pleasure to read. I hope Dragon gets his own book! Don't start this book unless you have time to finish it!


A five star read

What a great book. There was humor, romance, intrigue and whit. For this story you really followed the characters as they grow and change and discover themselves. So much laugh out loud funny moments and plenty of romantic moments. It was nice to get to know the lead characters and all the other contributing ones. Can't wait for the next book!
